Friday, September 07, 2007

Eating My Words

You should never challenge the higher powers ...

Remember how I said in my previous post that "there are very few ways" to have this golden weekend of mine ruined? Well "very few" is a bigger amount than I thought.

I walked out of the hospital -- post-call, again -- into the parking lot, only to find my car gone. As in, not in the spot I had parked it in the day before. Not in that spot or any spot for that matter. It is a weird feeling walking into a parking lot expecting your car to be in a very specific spot (since I park in the exact same spot every day), and another car is in its place.

I walked around, stunned, for about 15 minutes, before I realized it had probably been stolen. This was the last thing I needed on a post-call day. Come to think of it, this was the last thing I needed ever.


Keagirl said...

Argh...I feel your pain. Hope the rest of the weekend gets much better...

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!!!

Um, how does these things happen to you? Have you broken any mirrors lately?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I'd do if my 94 T-Bird got stolen, I love that car. However, if my 95 Intrepid was stolen, I'd be's a piece of junk, and I could get a nice insurance check....wait....I don't have insurance on it anymore because of the T-Bird...
Luck be with you in getting your car back and smiting the scum that took it =)

Amir said...

Thanks all for your support. While my car is likely deep in the heart of Mexico, things will be OK. At least I might end up with a new car at the end of this (even though I did love my car).

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! I really like reading your blog- I hope things are going better

Sara said...

Heh I once had such a shitty car that they stole it, but then just left it a week later when it was out of gas. It is a weird feeling.

Anyway, it sounds like that car was just waiting to betray good least, try to think of it that way.