Thursday, April 05, 2007

Greetings from South America

Buenos dias!
I am writing from the nice beaches of Uruguay. This particular city is where many people in South America -- as well as some Americans -- flock to when it gets hot. It is actually fall here (we are in the southern hemisphere) so the masses of people are no longer here, but with Easter weekend approaching there should be a ton of people visiting for the next few days.
Uruguay is an impressively modern country, with great internet connections, fancy stores, and drinkable water. If it weren´t so far from America, I might consider buying a second home here ... and with prices starting in the $80s for a small apartment, you gotta consider it!
Anyway, we´ll be here for a few more days and then move on to another country. Till then, adios!
P.S. I wish I had taken Spanish in high school. French, unfortunately, is a totally useless language for journeys such as this (as well as practicing medicine in California!)

1 comment:

MedStudentGod (MSG) said...

You and me both. French has been utterly useless. Spanish would have been a far better choice. But, c'est la vie.